All posts by: admin

Types of Companies in Kenya

Types of Companies in Kenya  Thinking of starting a business in Kenya? This Article will guide you on the what you need to know about the different types of companies in Kenya. A company is defined as a legal and separate entity that is formed by either a single person or a group of individuals that want to engage […]

How to set up in a Special Economic Zone in Kenya

Special Economic Zone in Kenya  – The Special Economic Zones were set up in Kenya as a push towards achieving Vision 2030 which is meant to transform the country towards an industrialized middle-income country to provide a high-quality life for its citizens by diversifying manufacturing activities, creation of employment, increasing the trade balances and boosting our investment profile.   The […]

How to Register a Trademark in South Africa 

How to Register a Trademark in South Africa – A trademark can either be a brand name, a slogan or a logo. It identifies the services or goods of one person and distinguishes it from the goods and services of another therefore serving the purpose of distinguishing a good or a service form one merchant to another.  Trademark […]

How to write a Top Notch Pitch Deck

How to write a Top Notch Pitch Deck – A pitch deck is a brief presentation that provides an overview of your business idea and is often used when presenting to an investor to raise funds for your company.  One can also pitch their idea to potential customers, co-founders and or partners.   The tools you can use to create […]

How to register a Limited Liability Partnership in Kenya

How to register a Limited Liability Partnership in Kenya – A limited liability partnership combines elements of a partnership and that of a registered company in Kenya.   The limit of each LLP partner’s liability is agreed between the members and usually stated in a partnership agreement thus the liability of an LLP  is limited to what the partners invest and […]

How to Start a Successful Business in Kenya

How to Start a Successful Business in Kenya – In Kenya, there are so many opportunities for entrepreneurs to build a successful business and create jobs with the rising tide of technology making the world a global village. To start and run a successful business in Kenya, you just need to identify the everyday problems Kenyans […]

5 Benefits of Engaging a Tax Consultant in Kenya

5 Benefits of Engaging a Tax Consultant in Kenya  – As Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and tax”.  A Tax is an involuntary financial charge levied on a taxpayer which in this pretext includes both an individual and a legal entity by a government body to finance government activities […]

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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